Node Status

2000000 (/Nexa:2.0.0(64bit)/)
Protocol Version
Blockchain Size
286.62 MB
(pruned: false)
Soft Forks
    Block Count
    (headers: 780,007)
    0 x 100
    Synchronized with network
    1 month, 18 days
    Txpool Info
    TX count
    TX size
    0 B
    Memory size
    0 B
    Max memory size
    300 MB
    Network Info
    Network Traffic
    Total Download: 1.03 GB (avg 248.46 B/s)
    Total Upload: 2.45 GB (avg 593.99 B/s)
        "chain": "testnet",
        "blocks": 780007,
        "headers": 780007,
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        "forkactive": true,
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        "verificationprogress": 1,
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        "softforks": [],
        "bip9_softforks": {},
        "bip135_forks": {}
        "totalbytesrecv": 1025671797,
        "totalbytessent": 2452026113,
        "timemillis": 1743395190864,
        "uploadtarget": {
            "timeframe": 86400,
            "target": 0,
            "target_reached": false,
            "serve_historical_blocks": true,
            "bytes_left_in_cycle": 0,
            "time_left_in_cycle": 0
        "version": 2000000,
        "subversion": "/Nexa:2.0.0(64bit)/",
        "protocolversion": 80006,
        "localservices": "0000000000000855",
        "localservicesnames": [
        "timeoffset": 0,
        "connections": 9,
        "networks": [
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                "limited": false,
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                "proxy_randomize_credentials": false
                "name": "ipv6",
                "limited": false,
                "reachable": true,
                "proxy": "",
                "proxy_randomize_credentials": false
                "name": "onion",
                "limited": true,
                "reachable": false,
                "proxy": "",
                "proxy_randomize_credentials": false
                "name": "",
                "limited": false,
                "reachable": true,
                "proxy": "",
                "proxy_randomize_credentials": false
                "name": "",
                "limited": false,
                "reachable": true,
                "proxy": "",
                "proxy_randomize_credentials": false
                "name": "",
                "limited": false,
                "reachable": true,
                "proxy": "",
                "proxy_randomize_credentials": false
        "relayfee": 1000,
        "limitfreerelay": "0",
        "maxallowednetmsg": 6000000,
        "localaddresses": [
                "address": "",
                "port": 7230,
                "score": 1459
        "thinblockstats": {
            "enabled": true,
            "summary": "0 inbound and 0 outbound thin blocks have saved 0.00B of bandwidth",
            "inbound_percent": "Compression for 0 Inbound  thinblocks (last 24hrs): 0.0%",
            "outbound_percent": "Compression for 0 Outbound thinblocks (last 24hrs): 0.0%",
            "response_time": "Response time   (last 24hrs) AVG:0.00, 95th pcntl:0.00",
            "validation_time": "Validation time (last 24hrs) AVG:0.00, 95th pcntl:0.00",
            "outbound_bloom_filters": "Outbound bloom filter size (last 24hrs) AVG: 0.00B",
            "inbound_bloom_filters": "Inbound bloom filter size (last 24hrs) AVG: 0.00B",
            "thin_block_size": "Thinblock size (last 24hrs) AVG: 0.00B",
            "thin_full_tx": "Thinblock full transactions size (last 24hrs) AVG: 0.00B",
            "rerequested": "Tx re-request rate (last 24hrs): 0.0% Total re-requests:0"
        "compactblockstats": {
            "enabled": true,
            "summary": "0 inbound and 0 outbound compactblocks have saved 0.00B of bandwidth",
            "inbound_percent": "Compression for 0 Inbound  compactblocks (last 24hrs): 0.0%",
            "outbound_percent": "Compression for 0 Outbound compactblocks (last 24hrs): 0.0%",
            "response_time": "Response time   (last 24hrs) AVG:0.00, 95th pcntl:0.00",
            "validation_time": "Validation time (last 24hrs) AVG:0.00, 95th pcntl:0.00",
            "compact_block_size": "CompactBlock size (last 24hrs) AVG: 0.00B",
            "compact_full_tx": "compactblock full transactions size (last 24hrs) AVG: 0.00B",
            "rerequested": "Tx re-request rate (last 24hrs): 0.0% Total re-requests:0"
        "grapheneblockstats": {
            "enabled": true,
            "summary": "251 inbound and 6593 outbound graphene blocks have saved 57.07MB of bandwidth with 3 local decode failures",
            "inbound_percent": "Compression for 2 Inbound graphene blocks (last 24hrs): 99.5%",
            "outbound_percent": "Compression for 253 Outbound graphene blocks (last 24hrs): 93.2%",
            "response_time": "Response time   (last 24hrs) AVG:0.15, 95th pcntl:0.20",
            "validation_time": "Validation time (last 24hrs) AVG:0.14, 95th pcntl:0.28",
            "filter": "Bloom filter size (last 24hrs) AVG: 11.79B",
            "iblt": "IBLT size (last 24hrs) AVG: 261.89B",
            "rank": "Rank size (last 24hrs) AVG: 1.00B",
            "graphene_block_size": "Graphene block size (last 24hrs) AVG: 605.68B",
            "graphene_additional_tx_size": "Graphene size additional txs (last 24hrs) AVG: 66.00B",
            "rerequested": "Tx re-request rate (last 24hrs): 0.0% Total re-requests:0"
        "warnings": ""
        "size": 0,
        "bytes": 0,
        "usage": 0,
        "maxtxpool": 300000000,
        "txpoolminfee": 10,
        "tps": "0.00",
        "peak_tps": "1875.12"